Mummidivaram Nagar Panchayat is IIIrd Grade ULB in the East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh it isad over an area of 31.11 Sq.Kms. with a population of 25355 (2011 Census). It is known for/famous for its Balayogi Temple.
The population of the Town which was 23057 in 2001 increased to 25355 in 2011 with an increase of 10% in the decade. The sex ratio is 960 females per 1000 males. The literacy rate is 56.04%. 50.53% of the male population and 61.25% of the female population are literate.
Mummidivaram is one of the important Commercial Centre in East Godavari District, being surrounded by number of villages whose activity is mainly agriculture.
The major crops cultivated here is Paddy. Other corps that are grown here are Coconut and Sugar cane.
The vegetation of most famous Brinjals, ladies fingure have its native here. Other vegetables include Chillies,Cucumber, Tomatoes, Sweet Gourd, Indian Broad Bean.
All types of leafy vegetables are grown here. The soil here is of mixed varieties making it suitable to grow many crops.
Bananas are extensively grown in and around Mummidivaram though its productivity declined gradually. Hence, there is busy commercial activity for the agricultural produce.
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