Pedana Municipality is 3rd grade ULB in the Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh. It is spread over an area of 12.87 Sq.kms. with a population of 30,835 (2011 Census) it is known for/Famous for its making handloom Sarees and Kalamkari.
It is located at 110kms from Capital City and 6kms from District Head Quarters. It was established as 3rd Grade Pedana Municipality in the year of 1985.There are 4 zones/and 23 Election wards in this Municipality.
The town is located on the east coast in the Krishna District at Delta region at a distance about 10 km from sea. Compared to other coastal towns, Pedana is situated on a generally flat terrain with a level difference of about 6 to 8 meters between the maximum and minimum levels. The town is situated at a level of about 2m to 1m above MSL. The Ramaraju Canal passes through the southeast in the town. The natural ground slope of the town is in general from southeast direction towards Bay of Bengal.
Climate and Rainfall:
Pedana Town general has a Tropical climate, Winters last from November to February, while summer last from March to June. The annual rainfall is 147mm, most of it received during the months of May, October, November and December.
The population of the town which was 29,612 in 2001 increased to 30,835 in 2011 with an increase of 1.57% in the last decade. The literacy rate is 65.08%, 69.96% of the male population and 60.20% of the female population are literate.
During the year it is an estimate an amount of Rs.6.21crores as receipt by way of Taxes and Non-Taxes and other receipts. And an amount of Rs.5.83crores expenditure incurred. Surplus is 0.38crores.
Environmental Issues :
The town generally has a pleasant climate except in the months of April to June when it becomes quite hot. Recorded maximum and minimum temperatures are 45°C and 17.60°C respectively. Pedana is one of the cyclone affected areas of Andhra Pradesh. Generally during the months of November, depressions develop in Bay of Bengal and in most of the time it passes through Krishna and Guntur Districts. As a result huge rainfall occurs during this time. Because of very high wind speed and heavy showers the town becomes highly affected with huge property loss. The recorded highest annual rainfall in the town is about 1470mm. Nearly 75% of the annual rain fall occurs during this time predominantly from south-west. During the heavy rains about 30% of town area will be inundated causing huge loss of property.
Urban Poor:
Under “NTR Bharosa Pensions” 811 – No. of Old Age Pensions, 895-Widow Pension, 460- Disabled Pensions, 2159-Weavers Pensions & 6-Toddy Tappers were distributed in every month. Under SEP Loans:128-BC Loans,44-SC Loans,48-ST Loans ,183-Minority Loans,2 no’s of Christian Minority Loans, 95-Kapu Welfare Loans,- No. of Beneficiaries were identified, Relevant Applications forwarded to concerned banks were sanction of loans.
History & Culture:
Pedana town with in the 8 km to the Head quarters of the District since the British period till date. It is also the Head quarters of the Mandal. It is a trading centre for the Handloom Sarees and Kalamkari items. It is having only one Government Junior College and one Private Degree Junior College.
The famous temple is “Sivalayam Temple” was established in 200years ago. The famous PaidammaTalli festival is conducting for 11 days every year, and around 2lakhs pilgrims are visiting the temple. Pedana Municipality was arranged all the festive requirements i.e. lightening, sanitation and temporary toilets for the pilgrims etc.
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