Through this article you can find Aadhaar Enabled Bio-metric Attendance System(AE-BAS) – Central Attendance. All ouver India there are Registered 4697 Organizations in website. Morethan 1 Lakh Employees attending every day, you can see all those employees Attendance lively at . As well as we have mentioned the all Organizations direct links over all india for check live attandance. Please check the attandance dashboard just by clicking below mentioned organization name. In this article we have mentioned AE-BAS Organizations from 901 to 1000 only Remaining Government Organiztions will be available by accessing below parts links.
Attendance Part-1 | Attendance Part-2 | Attendance Part-3 | Attendance Part-4 | Attendance Part-5 | Attendance Part-6 | Attendance Part-7 | Attendance Part-8 | Attendance Part-9 | Attendance Part-10 | Attendance Part-11 | Attendance Part-12 | Attendance Part-13 | Attendance Part-14 | Attendance Part-15 | Attendance Part-16 | Attendance Part-17 | Attendance Part-18 | Attendance Part-19 | Attendance Part-20 | Attendance Part-21 | Attendance Part-22 | Attendance Part-23 | Attendance Part-24 | Attendance Part-25 | Attendance Part-26 | Attendance Part-27 | Attendance Part-28 | Attendance Part-29 | Attendance Part-30 | Attendance Part-31 | Attendance Part-32 | Attendance Part-33 | Attendance Part-34 | Attendance Part-35 | Attendance Part-36 | Attendance Part-37 | Attendance Part-38 | Attendance Part-39 | Attendance Part-40 | Attendance Part-41 | Attendance Part-42 | Attendance Part-43 | Attendance Part-44 | Attendance Part-45 | Attendance Part-46 | Attendance Part-47
Biometric Attendance System (BAS) – Delhi Central (Part–10 of 47)
Attendance for following Organizations
901 ) Central Public Works DepartmentCPWD Puducherry
902 ) Central Public Works DepartmentCPWD ShimlaHP
903 ) Central Public Works DepartmentCPWD Southern Zone-VI VijayawadaA.P.
904 ) Central Public Works Department Ganjam Odisha
905 ) Central Public Works Department Jammu
906 ) Central Public Works Department Karaikal Puducherry
907 ) Central Public Works Department Krishna
908 ) Central Public Works Department-punjab
909 ) Central Publics work Department Kerala SZ-V
910 ) Central Pulp and Paper Research Institute Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh
911 ) Central Railway
912 ) Central Registration Centre Gurgaon Haryana
913 ) Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture ICAR-Hyderabad
914 ) Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine Hyderabad Telangana
915 ) Central Research Institute KasauliHP
916 ) Central Reserve Police Force CRPF Hyderabad – Telangana
917 ) Central Reserve Police Force CRPF Thane Maharashtra
918 ) Central Sheep Breeding FarmCSBF Hisar – Haryana
919 ) Central Silk Board Bangalore – Karnataka
920 ) Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteCSSRI Karnal – Haryana
921 ) Central Staff Training and Research InstituteCSTARI KolkataWB
922 ) Central Tax Audit Kolkata – II Commissionerate Kolkata West Bengal
923 ) Central Tax and Central Excise – Audit I Commissionerate Chennai
924 ) Central Tax Appeals-I Commissionerate Bangalore Karnataka
925 ) Central Tax Appeals-II Commissionerate Bangalore Karnataka
926 ) Central Tax Audit- Commissionerate Bangalore Karnataka
927 ) Central Tax Bengaluru North Commissionerate
928 ) Central Tax Goods and Service Tax Tirupati Commissionerate Andhra Pradesh
929 ) Central Tax Appeals Commissionerate Mysore Karnataka
930 ) Central Tax Audit I Commissionerate Kolkata
931 ) Central Tobacco Research Institute-RajahmundryAP
932 ) Central Tool Room and Training Centre Khurda Odisha
933 ) Central Training Institute for InstructorsChennai-Tamil Nadu
934 ) Central University of Haryana
935 ) Central University of Jharkhand Ranchi Jharkhand
936 ) Central University of Rajasthan
937 ) Central University of Tamil Nadu
938 ) Central Water and Power Research Station – Pune Maharashtra
939 ) Central Water Commission CWC Jalpaiguri West Bengal
940 ) Central Water Commission CWC Jammu
941 ) Central Water CommisSion Dibrugarh Assam
942 ) Central Water Commission East Sikkim
943 ) Central Water Commission West Sikkim
944 ) Central Wool Development Board Jodhpur Rajasthan
945 ) Central Workshop Korba Chhattisgarh
946 ) Centre For Advanced Systems CAS DRDO Hyderabad Telangana
947 ) Centre for Air Borne SystemsCABS Bangalore Karnataka
948 ) Centre for Artificial Intelligence and RoboticsCAIR Bangalore Karnataka
949 ) Centre for Electromagnetics Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineeri
950 ) Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology Chennai Tamil Nadu
951 ) Centre For Marine Living Resources Ecology CMLRE-kerala
952 ) Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology C-MET Thrissur Kerala
953 ) Centre for Materials for Electronics TechnologyC-MET-Pune
954 ) Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology-hyderabad
955 ) Centre for Microwave Tube and Component Technology SAMEER Kamrup Assam
956 ) Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification (CEMILAC), Bengaluru, Karnataka
957 ) Centre for Millimeterwave Semiconductor Devices and Systems CMSDS DRDO
958 ) Centre For Reliability Chennai Tamil Nadu
959 ) Centre for Research in Medical EntomologyCRME Madurai Tamil Nadu
960 ) CGHSWellness Centre No. Guwahati Assam
961 ) CGHSWellness Centre No. Guwahati Assam
962 ) CGHSWellness Centre No. Guwahati Assam
963 ) CGRPT Vizag
964 ) CGST Central Excise Mumbai South.
965 ) CGST and Central Excise Appeals Commissionerate Jammu J and K
966 ) CGST and Central Excise Appeals Commissionerate Surat Gujarat
967 ) CGST and Central Excise Commissionerate Varanasi U.P.
968 ) CGST and Central Excise Mumbai East Commissionerate Maharashtra
969 ) CGST and CX Commissionerate Kolkata Appeal-I West Bengal
970 ) CGST and CX Navi Mumbai Commissionarate
971 ) CGST Audit Commissionerate Jodhpur Rajasthan
972 ) CGST Commissionerate Dimapur
973 ) CGST Agartala
974 ) Chandigarh International Airport Limited Mohali Punjab
975 ) Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee Chandigarh
976 ) Chennai Customs Audit Commissionerate Chennai Tamil Nadu
977 ) Chennai Customs- I Commissionerate Chennai Tamil Nadu
978 ) Chennai Customs- II Commissionerate Chennai Tamil Nadu
979 ) Chennai Customs- V Commissionerate Chennai Tamil Nadu
980 ) Chennai Customs- VIII Commissionerate Chennai Tamil Nadu
981 ) Chennai General Post Office Tamil Nadu
982 ) Chennai Port Trust-Tamil Nadu
983 ) Chennai Sorting Division Chennai Tamil Nadu
984 ) Chief Architect SR Chennai Tamil Nadu
985 ) Chief Commissioner of Customs Central Excise and Service Tax CoimbatoreTamil
986 ) Chief Commissionerate of Service Tax Mumbai Zone Maharashtra
987 ) Chief Construction Engineer RD Estates North
988 ) Chief Construction Engineer RD Special Maintenance
989 ) Chief Construction Engineer RD West Pune- Maharashtra
990 ) Chief Construction Engineer RDS Hyderabad Telangana
991 ) Chief Construction EngineerR and D East DRDO Kolkata West Bengal
992 ) Chief Construction EngineerR and D Estates DRDO HyderabadTL
993 ) Chief Controller of Accounts MHFW Chandigarh
994 ) Chief Engineer Airforce Bengaluru
995 ) Chief Engineer Brahmaputra and Barak Basin Organisation CWCShillongMeghalaya
996 ) Chief Engineer Siliguri CPWD Darjeeling West Bengal
997 ) Chief Internal Auditor Ordnance Factory Kolkata West Bengal
998 ) Chief Labour Commissioner Central Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh
999 ) Chief Labour CommissionerCentral Khorda Odisha
1000 ) Chief Personnel Officers Office North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur UP
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