Here below you can download (Print Out) the Ration Card for Somala (Mandal), Chittoor (District), Andhra Pradesh (State) by name wise (or) ration card number wise online from (AePDS / EPOS). As well as find the Ration Card number and Card Member / Owner / Head of the House Name and address below. Also you can find A.P. states – WAP, TAP, RAP, JAP, YAP Type of card details. There are total of 12868 number of Ration Cards Found in “Somala Mandal. For more inquiry please visit (or) ask us through below comment session. Thank you…!
Somala – Mandal Few Helpful Phone Numbers for Social Service
తహసిల్దార్ శొమల, 9491077074 (SOMALA)
Chittoor District’s Ration Card Download Online
Here below you can find the shops and available Ration Cards. As well as click on the below shops for searching Shop wise Ration Card details.
Sl No | Shop Number | TOTAL Cards |
1 | 1039001 | 456 |
2 | 1039002 | 434 |
3 | 1039003 | 287 |
4 | 1039004 | 427 |
5 | 1039005 | 379 |
6 | 1039006 | 370 |
7 | 1039007 | 325 |
8 | 1039008 | 350 |
9 | 1039009 | 300 |
10 | 1039010 | 218 |
11 | 1039011 | 505 |
12 | 1039012 | 382 |
13 | 1039013 | 486 |
14 | 1039014 | 308 |
15 | 1039015 | 341 |
16 | 1039016 | 316 |
17 | 1039017 | 332 |
18 | 1039018 | 300 |
19 | 1039019 | 370 |
20 | 1039020 | 418 |
21 | 1039021 | 549 |
22 | 1039022 | 479 |
23 | 1039023 | 419 |
24 | 1039024 | 273 |
25 | 1039025 | 363 |
26 | 1039026 | 311 |
27 | 1039027 | 309 |
28 | 1039028 | 271 |
29 | 1039029 | 569 |
30 | 1039030 | 156 |
31 | 1039031 | 215 |
32 | 1039032 | 358 |
33 | 1039033 | 190 |
34 | 1039034 | 462 |
35 | 1039035 | 233 |
36 | 1039036 | 226 |
37 | 1039037 | 273 |
Total | 12960 |
Annemmagari Palle
Peddauppara Palle
Podalakuntla Palle
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