Here below you can find application procedure for Registration Department Government of Kerala – Encumbrance Certificate. Encumbrance Certificate – Standard Operating Procedures.
Check Encumbrance Certificate (EC) Status Online in Kerala
Kerala Registration SRO Phone Numbers | Sub-Registrar Office
Application Process for for Encumbrance Certificate :
1. Visit
2. Select Online Applications
3. Select Submit EC Application from Certificate Menu
4. Enter the mandatory details as per the form
5. If more than one Survey or Sub division number is to be entered save survey/ sub division with extent for each survey/ subdivision number;
6. Select the unit according to area of the property; (FPS – Foot, Pound Second; MKS – Metre Kilogram, Second)
7. If wish to get priority select the option.
8. For priority set application, double the rate of normal fee has to be paid.
9. Submit the application (submitted application cannot be edited once it is submitted)
10. If more details are required for processing the application, the applicant will be informed through an SMS asking him to provide with more information;
11. If additional ownership is found during the process, the applicant will be informed through an SMS to remit the required fee;
Procedure for Fees payment : e-payment only
List of Reference Documents : Previous Registration documents / Property Tax
Time line for completing the process : 3 days for Computerised data ( From 1990 onwards) and 7 days for periods prior to computerization period.
Checking of Application Status
Applicant will get an SMS on submission of application with a transaction id which can be used for knowing the present status of application through >> Certificates >> Encumbrance >> EC Status;
Key Contact Person from department : <P.K.Sajan Kumar, Joint Inspector General, 9496428824,
Departmental Work Flow
1. The remitted fee will be defaced and accounted by the office supervisor;
2. The Clerk will select the application for the first search;
3. The first search will be verified by another clerk in his login to examine the results of the first search;
4. If any mismatches found, it will be corrected by the first searched clerk;
5. The results will be verified again by the 1st or 2nd clerks for confirmation of the results;
6. Encumbrance Certificate will be generated and the same got listed in the Superintendents’/ Head Clerk’s account;
7. Superintendents’/ Head Clerk will apply the Digital Signature;
8. The Digitally Signed Certificate will be issued by Superintendents’/ Head Clerk;
9. An SMS will be delivered to the applicant on issue of the Certificate;
10. The applicant can visit the portal and downloads the certificate; ( (http:// pearlpublic)
Help Desk Whatsapp Number : 854 7344357 ( Dial >> 854 REGHELP << from key pad)
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