Kadiri Muicipality is 5 th largest ULB in the Anantapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh it is spread over an area of 25.88 Sq.Kms. with a population of 89240 (2011 Census). It is known for / famous for Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple.
Location :
It is located 550 Kms from Capital City and 90 Kms from District Head Quarters. It was established as 3rd Grade Municipality in the year 1964.
Topography :
The Kadiri town is locate at 78.170 East Longitude and 14.120 North Latitude and has an average elevation of 504.00 meters (1653 feet) above MSL. Kadiri is surrounded by hill and hillocks on two sides on the North and East.
The terrain of the town is generally sloping from North and Central area, East to West and South to Central area. The Highest contour is + 546.000 m (South West) and lowest contour is + 496.000m (west).
The town is situated in the center of the Kadiri Taluk between Anantapur, Madanapalli towns and it is situated in Anantapur District and which is 90Kms distance from Anantapur. The Municipality is divided into 36 Election Wards. It is surrounded on two sides while the Sudda Vagu River Flows to its West.
Climate and Rainfall :
The Climate is a tropical in Kadiri. In winter there is much more Rainfall in Kadiri than in summer. In December, the temperature is 23.60 C during day time. The night temperature will be 160C and is the lowest temperature of the whole year. During summer from March to May when the Max Temperature in the hottest month of May rises to 480C.
In cools down as soon as the South – West Monsoon breaks out in the month of June. The annual average rainfall in the town is around 700mm from both North-East & South-West Monsoons. The rainfall mainly occurs during the rainy season i.e., from June to September due to South – West Monsoons. Rains during the month October, November and also December occure due to North-East monsoon is about twenty percent of the total annual rainfall.
Demography :
The population figures for the town as per census records are available since 1901 from the Municipality. The population figures are given in below Table.
As per 2001 Census report, the population of the towards 76261 and it increased to 89240 in year 2011 Census report thus recording 17.02% decadal growth. The density of population comes to be about 3500 persons per Sq.Km. Demographic Studies revealed a population of 135000 for Ultimate Year i.e., 2047 and 115000 for prospective year i.e., 2032.
Economy :
Kadiri is one of the important Agriculture Centre in Anantapuramu District, being surrounded by number of villages whose activity is mainly agriculture.
The major crops cultivated here are Paddy, Jowar, Tobacco and cotton.
Other crops that are grown here are Groundnuts, Sunflower, Toor dal, Mustard seeds and Sugar cane.
The vegetation of most famous Tamoto has its native here. Other vegetables include Chillies, Ridge Gourd, Beans, Cluster Beans.
All types of leafy vegetables are grown here. The soil here is of mixed varieties making it suitable to grow many crops.
Environmental Issues :
The Rainfall is sparse and spasmodic.
Borewells provide the ray of hope for drinking water purposes.
There are no perennial rivers in the vicinity of Kadiri which results in excess dependence on underground water.
Over exploitation of ground water and indiscriminate drilling of bores for the past few years has caused depletion of the ground water table and drying of bore wells in most cases.
The water is being supplied to the public in every two days through Chitravathi Balancing Reservoir.
Urban Poor :
There are 35 poor settlements both notified and un-notified. Of the total population of the town of 89240, the population in the Notified Poor Settlements is 51458 constituting 60% of total population of town as per 2011 census.
This shows that most of the poor people are living in the slums.
The poorest of the poor live in a state or utter dependency as casual labour and petty artisans, struggling to make both ends meet, barely surviving on the margin of life, sunk neck-deep in the whirlpool of poverty.
As a result of low rainfall and recurring droughts, depletion of underground water table and lack of irrigation, poor people living in the surrounding villages migrate to the town in search of a better life.
This exodus of poor from villages surround the town in search of better livelihood opportunities resulting in a continuous extension of existing poor settlements and creation of new settlements of the poor.
Many poor people inhabit village poramboke sites or farmer villages on the outskirts of the town.
The merger of three panchayats in the Municipality and migration of poor people from the surrounding villages in search of some sort of livelihood contributed to the emergence of large number of poor settlements without any basic civic amenities and services, like shelter, drainage, water supply, health, education and livelihood.
History & Culture :
Kadiri, a renowned business centre in Rayalaseema, in situated in close proximitly to internationally renowned “Sri Khadri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple, a famous temple and “Puttaparthi” an adobe of spiritual splendor of a great soul Sri Satya Sai Baba. It was constituted as Municipality in the year 1964 and was upgraded as 2nd Grade Municipality in 1999.
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