Puttaparthy Municipality is Nagara Panchayath ULB in the Anantapuramu district of A.P. it is spread over an area of 60.50 Sq.kms. with a population of 31610 (2011 Census) . It is the Birth Place of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba & this town is also called as Prasanthi Nilayam.
It is located 600 Kms . From capital city and 80 Kms. From District Headquarters. It was established as Nagara Panchayath in the year 2011 .
There are 4 zones/and 20 election wards in this Municipality.
Climate and Rainfall
Puttaparthy Town, in general, has a tropical climate, winters last from November to February, while summers last from March to June. The annual rainfall is 126 mm, most of it received during the months of August to October . At present Rainfall is 186.10 mm
The population of the town which was 12481 in 2001 increased to 31610 in 2011 with an increase of 100 % in the last decade. The sex ratio is 1047 females per 1000 males. The literacy rate is 70.48 %. 78.12 % of the male population and 63.20 % of the female population are literate.
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