It is located 480 Kms from capital city and 100 kms from district headquarters it was established as a 3rd Grade Municipality in the year 01-10-1963. There are 4 zones/and 31 election wards in this Municipality.
Rayadurg Municipality is located in 76°51’31” Longitude and 14°0’00”Latitude.
Climate and Rainfall
Rayadurg Town, in general, has a tropical climate, winters last November to February, while summers last from March to June. The annual rainfall is 77.5 mm, most of it received during the months of Oct’2015.
The population of the town which was in 54,127 in 2001 increased to 62,017 in 2011[update] census with an increase of 14.5% in the last decade. The sex ratio is 999 females for 1000 male. The literacy rate is 55%. of the male population and 45% of the female population are literate.
Environmental issues
This municipality is taken up Tree Plantation and planted nearly 10000 plants in municipal area for this year. 5 no.s of parks are maintaining by this municipality.
Urban Poor
Rayadurg Municipality has notified 19 slums and 33,971 population. The social security pensions provided details as follows.
Old Age Pensions – 1629
Weavers Pensions – 675
Widow Pensions – 1430
Disabled Pensions – 427
Abhayahastham – 90
Total : 4397
The SC, ST, BC and Minorities peoples are providing Minority subsidy loans of this Municipality, and SHG Groups – 1023 are formed at present. The schemes like Vaddileni Runalu, Bank Linkages , Insurance Policies are providing to the SHGs. The schemes sanctioned to this municipality allotted the separate allocation SCs and STs for execution of works.
History & Culture
Rayadurg was originally a stronghold of ‘Bedars’ (‘Boya Palegars’) who were very turbulent during the Vijayanagar rule. The emperor deputed an officer driving then out and ruled place himself and the hill was thus called “Bhupatirayakonda”. After the battle of ‘Rakshasa Tangadi’, the Bedars regained the place, but were again driven out after some time by ‘Koneti Nayak’. His son ‘Venkatapathi Nayak’ who had differences with the ‘Palegar’ of Chittaldurg greatly strengthened the fortifications. Tippu Sultan captured the fort and made it a part of his Gooty province.
Rayadurg Municipality financial position is very poor and is maintained deficit. Due to implementation of financial reforms from last 40 years and following of rules and regulations strictly in financial matters there is an amount of Rs.7.5 crores balance funds are available with this municipality.
The market value of the assets of the municipality includes buildings, vacant lands, markets are arrived Rs.87.86 Lakhs.
S.No. : 1
Name of the Scheme : BRGF
Amount (Rs.in Lakhs) : 69.98
S.No. : 2
Name of the Scheme : Non Plan Gran
Amount (Rs.in Lakhs) : 190.4
S.No. : 3
Name of the Scheme : Plan Gran
Amount (Rs.in Lakhs) : 41.49
S.No. : 4
Name of the Scheme : ASC
Amount (Rs.in Lakhs) : 78.96
S.No. : 5
Name of the Scheme : 13th FC
Amount (Rs.in Lakhs) : 326.33
Total : 707.16
Grants : 7.07 Crores
Fixed Deposits : 1.00 Crores
General Funds : 1.14 Crores
TOTAL : 9.21 Crores
At present the Municipality is having Assets and deriving income as detailed below:
Name of the Shopping Complex : Shop Rooms
Annual Income (Rs. in Lakhs) : 59.36
Name of the Shopping Complex : Market
Annual Income (Rs. in Lakhs) : 21.52
Total : 80.88
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