జననం / మరణాన్ని ఎవరు మరియు ఎవరికి నివేదించాలి?
Andhra Pradesh Municipal Office Services
In case of Institutional events, the Hospital Authorities should report the birth / death to the B&D Registrar of the Jurisdiction within 21 days of occurrence of the event.
If the event is domiciliary (Birth or Death occurred in the House), the head of the family or the nearest relative who were available at the time of occurrence of the incident should report the event to the B&D Registrar of the Jurisdiction within 21 days of occurrence of the event.
If the event is a Medico Legal Cases, The Station House Officer, where the case was registered should report the event to the B&D registrar, where the incident / event took place duly filling the Form – 2 along with FIR and PMR (only to ascertain the cause of death).
For any queries regarding above topic, please feel free to tell us through below comment session.
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