Vuyyuru Nagar Panchayat is ULB in the Krishna District of A.P. it is spread over an area of 10.50 Sq.Kms with a population of 37777 (2011) census). It is known for / famous for its KCP Sugar Factory.It is located 50 Kms. From Capital City and 40 Kms. From District Headquarters. It was established as Nagar Panchayat in the year 2011. There are 4 zones/ and 20 election wards in this municipality.
Vuyyuru is town and a Nagar Panchayat in Krishna District in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Vuyyuru is located at 16o 211 37” N & 80o 501 46” E in Krishna District. It was upgraded as Nagara Panchayat wide No.575 MA, dt.28/12/2011. Godavari Kakinada Canal from Dowleswaram is passing through the town. The town is an extent of 14.88 Sq.Km.
Vuyyuru town, in general, has tropical climate, winters last from November to February, while summers last from March to June. The annual rainfall is 92.33 mm, most of it received during the months of August.
The population of the town which was …………………………. In 2001 increased to 37777 in 2011 with an increase of ….% in the last decade. The sex ratio is 994 Females per 1000 males. The literacy rate is 81.87 % ,85.70% of the male population and 78.00% of the female population are literate.
Vuyyuru’s economy is based on agriculture, mainly rice and sugar cane. The land is very fertile, and irrigation canals which draw water from the Krishna River crisscross the area. Drinking water is not scarce. A small dam and bridge were constructed during the British period on the main canal in the town.
KCP sugar factory is the first sugar manufacturing unit setup at Vuyyuru in 1941. It has present capacity of 7500 Tons of Cane per Day. KCP has a cogeneration plant which produces 15 MW of power per day
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