Are you looking for Sub-Registrar Office in Your Area ? Then you are at right place to find Sub-Registrar Office location in your area and Contact number for the SRO. Here below we have mentioned IGRS (Andhra Pradesh) – Registration & Stamps Department Sub-Registrar Offices Address & Contact Details as per District wide. Please browse through below mentioned district wise links.
Know your SRO (Sub-Registrar Office) Address & Contact Details (District Wide)
For any queries (or) doubts (or) Suggestions regarding above topic, please tell us through below comment session.
Sir,The undersigned would like to submit a detailed letter addressed to SRO,Eluru( W.G.Dt) reg some discrepancies in the records of SubRegistrar and documents regd in 1986 but neither correct landphone number nor official mob number nor official eml I’d available on internet or in West godavary govt website.only contact number getting on clicking on Google is 230347,but on trying 08812230347 message coming number not existing.Request full details of contact of SR,Eluru,,Near collectorate,Eluru,with name of present SR ,his official mob number&eml I’d to which we can submit by Regd post as well as thro Eml too/ send to mobile number too.Also District Registrar&State head of SubRegistrars offices( both mob number,Eml I’d& postal address too also required.
Hi this is janardhan , i am applying for marrige certificate (inter caste)through online ,then that time clearly mentioned you r not paying any challana amount (becouse of inter caste), and follow the remaing conditions finally get the acknowledgment and got the next day of oppointment ,the next day i went to the sub register office then the register ask to pay the 200 rs challana , then i said to the register sir , sir clearlly mentioned the above conditon like but the register not accepted and finally i pay the 200rs challana , Finally my doubt is to pay the chalanna or not plz clear my concern clarification